Henry Alfred Goolsbee – victim of of a modern-day witch-hunt

Pastor Henry Alfred Goolsbee Abp. suffered the consequences of a modern-day witch-hunt, false arrest and was wrongfully imprisoned for over 2 years and 3 months, during which time he lead several Civil Rights and Human Rights protests within the New Zealand Department of Corrections. His wife and children suffered numerous Civil Rights and Human Rights Violations as well.

As a successful whistleblower, Goolsbee has insured that numerous investigations are now underway in the High Courts of New Zealand regarding the rampant corruption that currently plagues the New Zealand government and many of its institutions and Ministries. Goolsbee is now seeking to collaborate with Amnesty International in bringing the truth of his wrongful imprisonment to light. For more information please visit www.goolsbee.net.

Please see the following (attached PDF), pages 1-3 for a more detailed summary. Click HERE for the —->Private and Confidential Resume H Alfred Goolsbee 2015 Aug

Pastor Henry Alfred Goolsbee Abp.

Current PHOTO of Pastor Henry Alfred Goolsbee, 2015 Japan

Current photos as of June and July 2015

Alfred has followed an Ancient Essene Lifestyle since age 15, has been a vegetarian since age 13; as well as ministering as a self-financing missionary since age 18.

Alfred condones the traditional Celtic Church practice of supporting the Family Abbey as the primary means of invoking an Essene mode of living (respectful of both Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Tantra and other religious traditions): that is to say, “We teach through example in our homes.”

see-> www.mtdna.wordpress.com (the entire MTDNA website was designed, built and written by Alfred Goolsbee. *mtDNA is inherited solely from the mother. It is the core and only-source of human energetic vitality as a biological function. mtDNA allows the human organism to store energy).

“H.A. Goolsbee decides to make a movie about his experiences regarding False Arrest and Wrongful Imprisonment in New Zealand. Current photo below as of 07-2015 shows Goolsbee in front of the Director’s Association of America in Los Angeles California.”

H.A. Goolsbee decides to make a movie about his experiences regarding False Arrest & Wrongful Imprisonment in New Zealand. Current photo as of 07-2015 shows Goolsbee in front of the Director's Association of America in Los Angeles California.

Student of ancient and biblical history, nano-technologies and physics; 

Alfred was born in 1955, is the father of 6 children who range in age from 10~32 and is married to a Japanese national; he is a practicing soil-scientist, goldsmith, sustainable lifestyle consultant, health-therapist (specializing in preventative medicine), aroma-therapist and a master-craftsman; he and his family enjoy camping, woods-crafting & wild-crafting, sailing, surfing and windsurfing.

While practicing a vegetarian cooking and non-cooking (vegan) lifestyle, he has contributed to the formation of numerous well-known natural foods and sustainable enterprises in the US, Costa Rica, New Zealand and other countries abroad. Alfred was one of the original core partners who pioneered a world-famous vegan-vegetarian restaurant in Hollywood-Beverly Hills before organic food-store chains such as Whole Foods Market® even existed.

Both Alfred and his wife together, started the first successful NO-SMOKING! restaurant in the Gaienmae designer’s district in Tokyo, Japan.

Alfred also inspired the startup of many other sustainable-lifestyle communities, clinics and co-ops in numerous countries, in cooperation with National Universities and National and Local Government Officials. An early pioneer in alternative education, he supported Montessori, Waldorf and Community Garden Schooling (hands-on learning) since the late 60’s and avidly supports home-schooling and “Unschooling” (wherever appropriate) AND classical education (in its true and correct application); along with some of the less controversial Steiner concepts.

Presently, Alfred is working with community and government organizations in numerous countries in fields of nano-technology, advanced soil-science and Sustainable Innovation regarding (especially) organic permaculture agricultural implementation, whilst working towards a postgraduate degree in anthropological/sustainablility studies (including but not limited to urban permaculture).

Archbishop Henry Alfred Goolsbee

Following in a family tradition, 
born of a long line of pioneers:

For the past forty-five years (since age 15) 
Alfred Goolsbee has been involved in a pioneering 
effort of his own design; that of spreading the 
message and methods of earth-friendly lifestyles,
biodynamic farming techniques and 
sustainable energy technologies.


While attending Fairfax High School in Hollywood, California (where the busing experiments of the 1970’s were being mismanaged by government authorities at the expense of all students’ stability) Alfred made a carefully considered decision to forego a “traditional” education.

(At age 15 he had already learned, among other things, how to smelt gold, prepare wax models for jewelry castings, to make gold inlays for dental applications and make polished gold filigreed jewelry and was already skilled as a Photolithographer/color-film serperator. )

Although his elders had offered to pay for his education in any university of his choosing, Alfred decided to take the road less traveled. Alfred dropped out of high school at age 15 and took up independent studies (ancient biblical history, Holy Kabbalah and Alchemy) at the university level (informally) in the fields of neurochemistry, neuro-chemical bonding, and the prevention of criminal behavior in children (Dr. Albert Hoffman’s* research had captured Alfred’s attention [*of Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Switzerland and Professor at Harvard University]).

Alfred explains that, “They hadn’t yet written the courses that I wanted to take in the Universities! And I could see that I was going to waste far too much time dealing with sociopolitical issues at a very mundane level (dealing with teachers and their delicate egos);

“So, I dropped out of high school because it was undoubtedly interfering with my education.” (He had been admitted to school one year early after his mother had him tested for aptitude and IQ.) By age 13 he had already won various awards in the fields of gymnastics, creative writing (1st place out of several thousand entries), speech, and architectural drafting, etc.


It was only a few weeks after Alfred had removed himself from Fairfax High School that he and his best friend had built a small jet engine with no moving parts (similar to those used by NASA in low gravity environments). The engine utilized the energy discharge of negatively-charged ions from the tips of rather long needles, to displace deficient oxygen molecules as they passed through an aluminum cylinder (this was all prior to the, now fashionable, negative-ion generators being sold to the general public). As the ions entered the orbit of the deficient oxygen atoms, those atoms were driven forward.


He then took up studies in “subliminal persuasion,” while operating his own business as a graphic designer and advertising artist at age 16; working as an independent contractor for a branch of Warner Brothers in Hollywood (with the team of one of the most famous guitarists in pop history, Jimi Hendrix). During this time, he took every opportunity to remind famous individuals of their responsibility as public figures to become more aware of environmental issues and to act aggressively to promote what they had learned (and to convince their fans of the need to respect the Earth). This is before it became fashionable to have fund-raiser concerts like Band Aid, Live Earth etc.


Soon thereafter at age 18, he moved to New York City, where he worked with the likes of RCA Mainman Productions (assistant to Publicity agent for David Bowie) where he designed menus for organic food served at publicity events and designed a line of airbrushed clothing at the behest of men’s fashion editor at Playboy magazine, Robert L. Green.

He was present when Wolfman Jack made his debut appearance in New York City and together with Cathy Dorrity, Publicity agent for David Bowie, Alfred welcomed the world famous Temptations shortly before his 19th birthday.

He went on to launch his own line of airbrushed clothing in Bloomingdales Department Store in New York, introducing airbrushed clothing “for the masses” for the first time in history when his designs were rejected by Robert Green as being too avante gaurde. With the revenue realized from that successful fashion enterprise, he moved to Costa Rica, Central America.

It was shortly after attending a world peace event at the world headquarters of the United Nations in New York, that Alfred received an invitation to travel to Costa Rica and “help change the world through agrarian reform,” (by an individual who had previously acted as personal secretary to the, then deceased, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.).


In Costa Rica Alfred helped manage projects designed to introduce temperate fruits to tropical climates by utilizing chill-factor, made possible by locating farms at high altitudes (situated above 2,500mtrs in the mountains). They used altitude to achieve chill-factor. There, he and his colleagues, Amigos de La Naturaleza (connected to Audubon Society), were responsible for encouraging the Government to convert 60% of the temperate rainforests into National Parks where, slash and burn logging was finally brought to a halt after years of dedicated activism.

During this period, Alfred and his associates helped the local (very rural) people to organize a cooperative transportation company (where only horse and oxen had been the norm), a local agricultural cooperative center (seed, fertilizer, tools and shared tractors, etc), a dairy-cheese factory cooperative, and a local health clinic (Alfred’s favorite). All of which resulted in many indigent families having become successful, healthy, wealthy and well educated.

Whenever the president of Costa Rica, Pepe Figueres entertained diplomatic figures and other dignitaries from foreign countries, the goods from this project were often specifically featured in official functions as an example of the fine progress being made in his (Pepe Figueres’) country.

With respect to the farm that Alfred and his colleagues built: They made the lumber from trees felled in selective clearing process with Alaskan chainsaws, built hearths, chimneys and homes from the natural river sand and rocks, all from scratch (wheelbarrows, hand filtered sand and pebbles, etc etc.) When the original land was purchased, it was accessible by oxcart only. They cut the roads, brought in electricity and shared their knowledge freely with the community as volunteers.


While working 7 years off and on in Costa Rica, Alfred returned to California, where he continued his studies of T’ai Chi Ch’uan at the world renown, Inner Research Institute (along with Hatha Yoga at the Integral Yoga Institute) in San Francisco.


At age 23 Alfred was referred by the founder of the Inner Research Institute to the Gaia San Francisco Ballet Company and was subsequently hired as Publicity Manager and Stage-Tech Consultant; the troupe was awarded “#1 Critics Choice” status in San Francisco during Alfred’s tenure. The Gaia San Francisco Ballet Company was created and led by an ex-Prima Ballerina of the Netherlands Dance Theater.


It was around this time that Alfred inadvertently became instrumental in the building of a Traditional Japanese Bath House at the Faralones Institute in Sebastepol, California; an experimental sustainable energy/biodynamic village (first of its kind) that was headed by the State Architect of California, Mr. Sym Van Der Ryn. Sym Van Der Ryn’s right-hand-man, Dale Krenik, (at Alfred’s invitation) had been with Alfred in Costa Rica during the last two years of the Costa Rican period.


Moving on to the Washington State University’s FM Radio station a few years later: At age 26 Alfred was responsible for opening the Belingham FM Radio stations doors every morning for the winter, where he was Creator Director and Programer of the “First Impressions” show, a live 2 hour, early morning radio program for pregnant women and very young children. The program gained the attention of Gore Vidal (who scheduled an interview on the show) and other figures of notoriety. It was, to say the least, a very, very popular show among Belingham City’s residents.


From there, Alfred moved back to his hometown in Port Neches, Texas, a city which was founded by his ancestors, wherein his senior female family members all had streets named after them. There, in the nearby city of Beaumont, he was recruited by patrons of the cultural arts societies in Beaumont, to act as the interim Preparator for the Beaumont Museum of Fine Arts in Texas. He was responsible for the installation of art exhibitions, manufacture of custom crafted displays, interior painting and reform of the premises, the running of the local printing press, plate making and management of the grounds in various capacities.


In the years that followed, Alfred continued to pursue efforts to raise the public’s awareness of what he considered to be, “the sorely neglected environmental issues,” through various means. He approached many other famous individuals such as: Jermaine Jackson (brother of “Jackson 5” fame [Michael Jackson]), Joni Mitchell, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeplin, Sting, etc. and asked that they give more time and attention to emerging environmental issues, global food shortages and socio-political ethics (such as Fair-Trade foods etc.). He continued to devoted his life and time to helping spread-the-word in recognition of the emerging importance of sustainability, permaculture, and biodynamic farming.


One of the highlights of Alfred’s efforts as a career activist was his achievement in introducing “new” business methods to the agronomists of New Zealand. Alfred lived there for three years while promoting the growing of herbs, which yield medicinal and aromatic essential oils (destined for the emerging aromatherapy industry).

Alfred subsequently introduced the SHISEIDO Cosmetics Company of Japan (3rd largest in the world at that time) to the Maori Komatua (Tribal Elders and Foundation Trustees), at which time Shiseido directors and family members personally visited the Maori Tribal Lands and met with the leaders and trustees. This meeting occurred as a direct result of Alfred’s appearance on National Radio (NZ), where he interviewed the Director of International Affairs at Sheseido, live from Tokyo by telephone. The program directors (of NZ National Radio) reported that they had never received so many call-ins at the radio station in the history of NZ National Radio broadcasting. “The phone lines were lit-up like a Christmas tree.”

Today, as a direct result of Alfred’s vision and passionate pursuit of serving the earth and its inhabitants, a thriving lavender industry (and other herbs) is in full bloom in New Zealand. This action was very timely in that the treaty of Waitangi had just expired and the Maori’s ancestral lands had been restored to them after 200 years of British occupation. Being unsure how to make the best use of it, Alfred suggested that they enter into the business of growing herbs that produce medicinal and aromatic essential oils for the newly emerging aromatherapy industry.

PRESENT (Past 15 Years)

In most recent decades, Alfred started the first No-Smoking Vegan (no animal egg or dairy products) restaurant in Tokyo in the famous Gaen-mai district of Omotesando, an area which world-class designers call home. Although everyone insisted that it couldn’t possibly work (a no smoking restaurant in Tokyo?) the concept was a smashing success: a venue that played host to evenings of “reservations only” dinners for eight and twelve, as well as luncheons, whereby folks stood in line daily for a table and a chance to sample Alfred’s Gourmet Vegetarian cooking.


It was during this period that Alfred’s jewelry and accessory designs had also become world famous. Millions of dollars in annual sales are collected daily (even today, at the time of this writing) by companies that have manufactured replicas of Alfred’s original designs (without his permission). Worn by many famous Japanese (and other international) celebrities, copies of Alfred’s designs are still marketed throughout the world in literally thousands of jewelry boutiques, department stores and other venues and are often seen in many a Hollywood and BBC movie. Alfred recalls that the very first prototype was sold to a diamond trader in San Francisco when he needed money to buy his first book on The Art and History of Perfumery. “It was very well received,” Alfred notes, “and the fellow asked if I could produce more of the same in the near future. It was called ‘The DAKINI Necklace,’ and was made from Jurassic amber, pink tourmalines and gold plated beads that I’d made by hand from powdered rose petal, frankincense and myrrh, and trimmed with graduated fancy-cut garnet, strung on 100% silk thread. It was then soaked in my own 100% natural fragrance~ a composition that I had been working on for a few months.”

Although, in later years another company copied yet another of his designs, “At least they kept my original campaign slogan, ‘to respect the ocean and keep it clean!'” The copy-company did arrange to donate a very small percentage of the revenue to a Save the Ocean campaign fund in Japan. (These designs are still sold by the thousands on a weekly basis in airports, ferry terminals, department stores and in airline magazines etc. Several million dollars worth are sold annually, but none of the revenue has ever been given to Alfred.)


Additionally, Alfred was the first person in the world to create a sophisticated perfume to be used for hygienic purposes from 100% all-natural essential oils; a project financed by the (now deceased) President of the Southern Japan Rotary Club Union, Mr. Kukubun Shigeo.

Similarly Alfred’s colognes and perfumes have been copied~ At one stage, Alfred’s computer was stolen in Tokyo, a computer which contained several priceless perfume formulas that he had created especially for Japanese women (based on their unique body chemistry~). A few years later the fragrances (which have very specific, unmistakable and unique characteristics) appeared on the market in bottles proffered by very well known design houses. However, it is most certainly, very unlikely that those companies are aware of the origin of those formulae.

PRESENT (Past 6-11 years)

In recent years, Alfred has been focused on introducing cutting-edge sustainable energy technology to the world via Japan, where he has been living for the last 13 years with his Japanese wife and 3 children (awarded permanent resident status in Japan).

From 2003-2008, Alfred had forgone the comforts and cultural pleasures of life in Tokyo in favor of conducting research in the remote islands of Okinawa Japan: The Kerama- shoto Islands (now a National Park and protected coral reef zone, generally known as Zamami Islands).

Alfred states that he is convinced that his present research of nano-technology and the superconductive materials that are extracted from deep-sea water and coral reef waters (microscopic gold, platinum, rhodium, iridium and other precious metals) is critical to the survival of humanity and life as we know it.

From 2008-2011 – Upon successful completion of the building of the world’s largest, first-ever, full-scale Quantum Dot Solutions® factory in Australia, he prepared to distribute, as a public service, appx. AU$10-12 million dollars worth of Quantum Dot Liquid Soil Amendment to the schools, libraries, parks and city councils of Australia, on a nation-wide scale during the 2010 National Tree Planting Day events. (Alfred offered to donate his intellectual property to the Commonwealth of Australia for eight years in order to help the citizens and farmers with issues surrounding agricultural infertility, drought and production shortages) Sadly however, two days before Christmas, vandals attacked the factory and spilled the liquid super-nutrient into the fields. Despite this savage act, Alfred persevered in New Zealand, where he had been offered the opportunity to acquire a University Degree, in recognition of his life-long achievements in Sustainable Innovation and related experience through Otago Polytechnic:CAPL, the Otago Polytechnic’s highly regarded Centre for Assessment of Prior Learning- Alfred is also the owner/operator of a Publications and Bookseller company that focuses on religious history and theosophical archeology.

In 2009 Pastor Goolsbee was falsely accused and later wrongfully imprisoned, during which time he maintained his Christian values and non-violent approach to life and succeeded in helping others to embrace a pacifist lifestyle through his love of Christ Jesus our Lord and savior.

“Goolsbee’s outspoken position against GMO’s, Monsanto, Government Corruption and Religious Discrimination has resulted in his being subjected to 2.25 years of wrongful imprisonment and a CHARACTER ASSASSINATION CAMPAIGN.”

Details of the ongoing process of exoneration and clearing his name are available here www.goolsbee.net


Alfred was one of the original members of one of the most famous restaurants on Sunset Strip, Hollywood California; Began study of salad dressings and sauces at age 15 working under the tutelage of one of the most successful restaurateurs in the history of Hollywood/Beverly Hills (Jim Baker ~ The SOURCE, OLD WORLD, The Black Rabbit Inn…) PAUL Newman’s now world-famous line of Salad Dressings was inspired by the world-renown line of “SOURCE Salad Dressing Collection.”

Later-in-life Alfred trained in SILVER SERVICE at the Members Only, Flagship Venue for, “The Heritage Club (Downtown Houston, Texas)” where Alfred worked 2-3 shifts daily for 3 months, 14 hours per day, in full tuxedo to train in Breakfast Service, Lunch Service and Dinner Service as a front & back waiter. Simultaneously employed at MARIO’S Fine Dining Italian Restaurant (Montrose District Houston, Texas).

Experience acquired at the SOURCE and the Heritage Club was employed in subsequent design and execution of various catering events while in the employ of subsidiaries of Warner Bros Movies (Beverly Hills/ Los Angeles California) and subsidiaries of RCA Records (New York City).

Alfred went on to design, manage, and operate the 1st successful No-Smoking Vegan restaurant in Tokyo’s world-famous Gae-en-Mae Designers’ District. The venue was a great success and played host to standing room only lunches and reservations only dinners.

In the recent past Alfred consulted on the reopening of a steak-house in Okinawa and designed the Cowgirl Grill interior, sound systems repertoire, as well as all of the new menus and other graphic signage (see attached).

Alfred’s interest in Japanese Art and Culture dates back to age 9 when Alfred had his own Bonsai collection in his hometown in Texas. At this time Alfred collected a small library of books on Japan and Japanese culture, which resulted in Alfred’s constructing a traditional shakuhachi flute with a proper sliver tip mouthpiece in accordance with ancient design.

Alfred was later instrumental in the building of a Japanese Bathhouse (sento) in cooperation with the state architect of California, Mr. Sym VanDerRym.

Alfred is of a well-dressed, clean-cut appearance, both civil and mature inmanner, and is married to a Japanese national (with three children ages 10, 11 and 14) . Alfred is conversant in both Japanese and Spanish; and is a well educated, world-traveled, articulate native English speaker.



Alfred speaks clear and concise, articulate English (native English speaker), and is conversant in Japanese and Spanish. In addition to what might be commonly expected of a sophisticated food and beverage supervisor, Alfred is skilled in public relations & associated marketing/publicity activities, public speaking, social-engineering, both interior design and ambient design; including but not limited to capabilities that include computer generated graphic arts [menu and sign-making] and website design. Capable in all aspects of administrative software applications such as MSOffice, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, as well as all ADOBE related desktop publishing software and products, including various related Audio-Video production software and application capabilities. [Alfred owns licenses for all related software and all associated necessary mobile and stationary computer equipment.]

The ability to multi-task is clearly evident. Alfred is clean-cut, well groomed and arrives for work in Italian-cut business suits (dark navy and/or black) with appropriate button-down shirt and tie; or if preferred hippy-at-its-finest Renaissance Festival as gypsy-pirate, genie, thespian (Shakespearian) etc etc.

MENU & SIGNAGE Design & Production Capabilities

Strong in Marketing and Copy Writing, Experience in PR & Publicity Proficient with all ADOBE software required for design and delivery of Menus and Interior Signage (table-top, daily or weekly specials, seasonal-foods campaigns, introductions of new and interesting products, etc). 24-48 hour turnaround on jobs of moderate complexity; 2-4 hour turnaround on jobs of minimal complexity. 1-2 weeks on complete menu design from scratch. PR & Publicity turnaround varies on a case-by-case basis. (see: )

RESTAURANT (and other) WEBSITE Design Capabilities

Strong in Subliminal Advertising and Mass Persuasion

Proficient with all ADOBE software required for design and delivery of database driven websites; including but not limited to daily, weekly & monthly updates/alterations of seasonal specials and/or menu changes, special food product campaigns; PR & Publicity campaigns to promote increased customer loyalty, repeat business and competitive “first-time” visitors incentives. (see: )

LEADERSHIP Skills, A Confident and Enthusiastic Worker, Able to Implement Effective

Training of Floor-Staff

“Regarding Correct Order of Service”

Alfred is trained in classical European “Silver Service” methods of service and overall presentation. More importantly however, important adjustments should be considered when compensating for the cultural disparity, which exists between eastern and western etiquette and service methods. Alfred is familiar with both Japanese and Occidental styles and is capable of making the necessary adjustments seamlessly on a case-bycase basis, depending upon each individual groups’ needs and tastes.

“Establishing the Rhythm of Service”

Alfred knows how and when to stall a table [through diplomatic means] and conversely how and when to accelerate food service, as well as how to achieve “Restoration of Rhythm of Service” (troubleshooting, if and when the “rhythm of service” is degraded or is completely interrupted);

“Mastering Communication Skills,”

Alfred recognizes the importance of clear and efficient communication between the kitchen staff and floor-service staff… between the headwaiter and all customers… between all floor-crew in general;

“Why Seating Order is Important in Japanese Etiquette”

Alfred recognizes and understands the seating order (the place of honor, secondary place of honor, etc);

“Other areas of importance that require constant review…”

Understanding customer care and after-care;

Appropriate means of Conflict Resolution, between staff members, between staff and customers;

Important Concepts in Japanese Etiquette such as “wabi-sabi” (the beauty of things imperfect), “giri-ninjo” (the relationship of obligation and compassion in human relations), “bushido” (the Way of honor among the Noble class), “Ikebana” (aesthetic considerations in the correct arrangement and placement of flowers), “ka-do” (the correct establishment of atmosphere within an environment both physically and spiritually [smells and odors vs. the collective moods and feelings]) (and more as required on a case by case basis depending on the venue and its goals and aspirations).


Regarding the relationship between the “interior space of the venue” and the “personal space of the customer.”

Goolsbee is acutely aware of the Importance of “Attention to Detail in Japanese Etiquette.” For example; the “interior weather” must be adjusted regularly in accordance with the ongoing changes in the “external weather.” Likewise, precise placement of tables and seating is important, when considering the guests’ comfort… Is there an air-conditioner dumping cold air on a patron’s back or neck? Is the external view inspiring and appetizing? Is the artwork hung appropriately and are the colors in a menu properly coordinated? In many instances, minor adjustments can create major changes in a patrons’ dinning experience.

Devoting time and energy to the correct observation and subsequent implementation of these adjustments will play a major role in the initial delivery of an immediate sense of satisfaction [upon entry into the venue], as well as the overall feeling of fulfillment [realized near the conclusion of the meal].

Alfred’s skill-set includes such attention to detail and the ability to act upon these realizations in a timely and cost-effective manner. Another important point to reflect upon is the concept of “Respect for the Customers’ Personal Space.” This is particularly true when one addresses the issue of maximizing the profitable use of floor-space in a Japanese Restaurant. A balance must be achieved between the total number of seats available and the floor-staff’s efficient access to and from the kitchen. The ease and efficiency of service and timely delivery of food from the kitchen to the table must be coupled with careful consideration of the customers’ comfort.

Floor-staff need to be instructed as regards the proper location and the manner in which to stand when taking an order; as well as the proper place to stand when delivering and/or clearing items from a table.

In conclusion, the ambient sound should also be carefully considered… “Do customers prefer to listen to classical Japanese music such as ‘koto, shakuhachi, shamisen, waterfalls Tibetan bells’ while dinning, or is ‘jazz or pops music’ a better alternative? For the intelligent practitioner, the correct choice is an obvious one.


For a Foreign-Based Japanese Restaurant.

Alfred, having lived and dined in Japan for over 20 years, has dined extensively in all of the various types of restaurants found in Japan. Ranging from the most elite and expensive KaiSekiRyori venues, to the most prestigious A-la-Carte Tempura Bars and [genuine] Sushi Bars situated in 5 Star Hotels, along with the Izakaya-style venues and Soba-shops scattered among the suburbs, as well as the most typical of Japanese Family Restaurants [even the classic “standing noodle bars,” found in train stations and street corners]… Goolsbee has dined in every sort of restaurant throughout, ranging from the southern-most islands of Japan in Okinawa, through to the northern-most areas of Japan in Hokkaido.

Alfred has lived in the Yokohama/Tokyo area for the greater part of 20 years and has dined in and analyzed at least one, fine Japanese restaurant in almost every significant 5 Star Hotel in the Tokyo-Yokohama metropolitan area. This experience is invaluable when it comes to “Knowing what not to do.”

Alfred has also dined in many fine Japanese restaurants London, Rome, Paris, Amsterdam, Melbourne, Sydney and Hong Kong etc. Hence, Alfred’s perspective is considerable. As a result, Goolsbee is capable of reproducing, within reason, an authentic atmosphere, according to the scope of the owner/managers’ specific instructions and available resources.

Please see the following (attached PDF), pages 1-3 for a more detailed summary. Click HERE for the —->Private and Confidential Resume H Alfred Goolsbee 2015 Aug