Grave Miscarriage of Justice – Politically Motivated False Arrest / WRONGFUL IMPRISONMENT of Human Rights Activist

PHOTO Henry Alfred Goolsbee on Kume Jima Island in Japan, taken whist preparing for a 40 day fast. - Goolsbee has been a pacifist and vegan for over 45 years. Alfred embraced an ancient Essene lifestyle and the philosophy of Ahimsa (non-violence) at the age of 15.

False Arrest – Wrongful Imprisonment Henry Alfred Goolsbee PHOTO – Henry Alfred Goolsbee, a Victim of False Arrest and Wrongful Imprisonment; PHOTO taken whilst preparing for a 40-day fast on Kume Jima Island in Japan. – Goolsbee has been a pacifist, conscientious objector, and vegan for over 45 years. Alfred embraced an ancient Essene lifestyle and the philosophy of Ahimsa (non-violence) at the age of fifteen.

Gooslbee, a life-long Human Rights Activist, was the victim of a corrupt, police-engineered kidnapping, and suffered over 2 years of WRONGFUL IMPRISONMENT 

Henry Alfred Goolsbee - Park Hyatt Hotel "Cleantech Forum"

Henry Alfred Goolsbee – Park Hyatt Hotel “Cleantech Forum”

Senior prison management DESTROY over 50 KILOS of GOVERNMENT-ISSUED EVIDENCE that PROVES absolutely that Goolsbee IS INNOCENT

Queen’s Counsel, Judges in oversight, prison Managers, prison Guards all conspired to create a coverup story in an effort to conceal the truth and ROUTINELY DESTROYED or altered EVIDENCE. They even went so far as to alter official court records.

GO HERE –>> See This Important Update Issued Dec 12, 2018: (unbeknownst to Goolsbee at the time) The so-called “victim,” Julie Spicer, was accused by her own sister of theft of funds. Julie Spicer deceived Goolsbee and his family, in order to use Goolsbee to “park” her stolen funds, which Julie Spicer had stolen from her sisters inheritance (and unbeknownst to Goolsbee) Julie Spicer’s hidden intent was to hide the funds in Goolsbee’s New Zealand bank account under the pretense that she was supporting his not-for-profit project (she sent the funds from Australia to New Zealand)

IMPORTANT NOTE* this is a work in progress concerning the false arrest, kangaroo-court conviction, and wrongful imprisonment of the author, Civil Rights and Environmental Activist, Henry Alfred Goolsbee.

BELOW – Goolsbee pictured here together with the High Command of US Military Forces in Naha, Okinawa, JAPAN: Introducing MannaTerra by TeslaEarth Biotech / TANAVATA Media Group

Alfred Goolsbee together with the Admiralty and High Command of US Forces in Naha, Okinawa at the Seaman's Club. Mr Goolsbee was introducing his earth-saving technology to the gentlemen, which was discovered and first developed in Japan.

Alfred Goolsbee (3rd from viewer’s left / suit and tie) together with the Admiralty and High Command of US Military Forces in Naha, Okinawa, JAPAN (where he developed the technology). Pictured here at the Seaman’s Club, Mr. Goolsbee was introducing his earth-saving technology (which was first discovered and developed in Japan) to the High Command of US Military Forces in Naha, Okinawa, JAPAN.

Coming soon!… Based on the True Story

A two-hour pilot film for a NETFLIX / APPLE TV type series with all the episodes for several seasons. Check the GALLERY on Jimi Hendrix in Maui pages and Alfred’s IMDB-Pro page this Christmas 2024.

DETAILED LOG LINE: “A savvy young woman defends an elderly environmental activist who invented biotech producing free electricity from ocean water. Powerful, government-connected foes sabotage the project, attack his Japanese wife and three young children, frame him for crimes that never occurred, and cause him to be wrongfully imprisoned. After release, he secretly continues with money supplied from Japan’s military budget.”

BRIEF LOG LINE: “The highly-anticipated Zyahzyah Galore Christmas 2030 Special streaming live from Hollywood turns perilous when powerful oligarchs order the assassination of a mystery guest who will become the wealthiest woman on earth at the stroke of midnight.”

(C) 2023 Copyright Henry Alfred Goolsbee

PHOTO – Below, Alfred Goolsbee (Henry Alfred Goolsbee) pictured on the IMDB website with Jimi Hendrix (at Age 16 – Alcyone Distribution – & later as an adult – April 1-2, 2009 at the Cleantech Forum – Quantum Dot Solutions / MannaTerra from TeslaEarth Biotech as MannaTerra – Park Hyatt Hotel Melbourne Australia) and later (see photo below) appearing in the Jimi Hendrix Documentary film, “Music Money Madness”

PHOTO – Alfred Goolsbee (Henry Alfred Goolsbee) pictured with Jimi Hendrix on the IMDB website (at Age 16 & as an adult April 1-2, 2009 at the Cleantech Forum - for Quantum Dot Solutions - Park Hyatt Hotel Melbourne Australia) and later appearing in the Jimi Hendrix Documentary film, “Music Money Madness”

PHOTO – Alfred Goolsbee (Henry Alfred Goolsbee) pictured with Jimi Hendrix on the IMDB website (at Age 16 & as an adult April 1-2, 2009 at the Cleantech Forum – for Quantum Dot Solutions – Park Hyatt Hotel Melbourne Australia) and later appearing in the Jimi Hendrix Documentary film, “Music Money Madness”

Below- Alfred Goolsbee with Lead Singer of Midnight Oil, The Honorable Peter Garrett – Australian Minister of Environment and Minister of Education / Cleantech Forum – for Quantum Dot Solutions – Park Hyatt Hotel Melbourne Australia

Alfred Goolsbee with Australian Minister of Environment and Minister of Education (Lead Singer of world renown activist band. Midnight Oil) The Honorable Peter Garrett –  April 1-2, 2009 at the Cleantech Forum – for Quantum Dot Solutions – Park Hyatt Hotel Melbourne Australia Introducing MannaTerra by TeslaEarth Biotech / TANAVATA Media Group.

Alfred Goolsbee in the documentary film, "Music, Money and Madness" - Jimi Henrix concert Maui Hawaii regarding the movie "Rainbow Bridge" - Alcyone Distribution - Antakarana Productions - a Warner Brothers film - Henry Alfred Goolsbee

Alfred Goolsbee in the documentary film, “Music, Money and Madness” – Jimi Henrix concert Maui Hawaii regarding the movie “Rainbow Bridge” – Alcyone Distribution – Antakarana Productions – a Warner Brothers film – Henry Alfred Goolsbee

Chapter 4: Henry Alfred Goolsbee’s Kilonovae Hypothesis

(C) 2024 Copyright Essene Humane Society / Henry Alfred Goolsbee / All Rights Reserved

Introduction: A Cosmic Perspective on ORMEs

The Kilonovae Hypothesis, proposed by Henry Alfred Goolsbee, provides a groundbreaking explanation for the origins of ORMEs (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic/Diatomic Elements). This hypothesis links the formation of ORMEs to one of the most energetic and significant events in the universe: kilonovae. Kilonovae are explosive events that occur when two neutron stars collide, resulting in the creation of heavy elements, including precious metals. Goolsbee’s hypothesis suggests that ORMEs are not just rare elements but are born from these cosmic cataclysms, carrying with them unique properties that stem from their extraordinary origins.

The Birth of Elements in Kilonovae Events

Kilonovae are among the most powerful events in the universe, releasing vast amounts of energy and producing heavy elements through a process known as r-process nucleosynthesis. This process occurs when the neutron-rich environment of a kilonova allows for rapid neutron capture by atomic nuclei, leading to the formation of elements much heavier than iron, including gold, platinum, and other precious metals.

According to Goolsbee’s hypothesis, the intense conditions within a kilonova also give rise to ORMEs. The hypothesis posits that during these events, certain atoms undergo a form of orbital rearrangement, leading to the creation of monatomic or diatomic elements with unique, high-spin states. These ORMEs possess properties distinct from those of ordinary elements, such as superconductivity, energy storage capabilities, and potentially even effects on consciousness.

Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Support

The Kilonovae Hypothesis is supported by a combination of empirical observations and theoretical models. In 2017, spectroscopy data from a kilonova event provided the first direct evidence of T-metals (transuranic metals) being created during such events. This discovery lent credence to the idea that the extreme conditions present in kilonovae are indeed capable of producing exotic forms of matter, including ORMEs.

Goolsbee’s hypothesis also draws on findings from both astrophysics and materials science. The conditions necessary for the formation of ORMEs—a highly energetic environment, rich in neutrons and conducive to orbital rearrangement—align closely with the known characteristics of kilonovae. Furthermore, the unique properties of ORMEs, such as their potential for superconductivity, suggest a cosmic origin, as these properties are often associated with the extreme environments found in space.

Implications of the Kilonovae Hypothesis

The implications of the Kilonovae Hypothesis are profound, both for our understanding of the universe and for practical applications here on Earth. If ORMEs are indeed the products of kilonovae, this would mean that they carry with them the energy and complexity of these cosmic events. Such a realization opens up new avenues for research in multiple fields, including energy storage, quantum computing, and even consciousness studies.

  • Energy and Superconductivity: One of the most promising applications of ORMEs lies in their potential for superconductivity. If ORMEs can be harnessed as superconductors at higher temperatures than currently possible, they could revolutionize energy transmission, storage, and usage.
  • Quantum Technologies: ORMEs’ unique quantum properties could also play a role in the development of advanced quantum technologies, such as quantum computers, which require materials capable of maintaining quantum coherence over time.
  • Consciousness and Health: The potential effects of ORMEs on consciousness, as suggested by anecdotal evidence and ongoing research, could lead to new insights into the mind-body connection, consciousness studies, and even health and wellness.

The Future of ORMEs Research

Goolsbee’s Kilonovae Hypothesis not only provides a new perspective on the origins of ORMEs but also sets the stage for future research. Scientists across various disciplines are now beginning to explore the properties of ORMEs with renewed interest, seeking to understand how these elements can be utilized for technological advancement and what they can tell us about the universe.

As we continue to investigate the connections between cosmic events like kilonovae and the materials we find on Earth, we may uncover new aspects of ORMEs that could transform our approach to science, technology, and even spirituality.


Henry Alfred Goolsbee’s Kilonovae Hypothesis is a bold and imaginative theory that links the origins of ORMEs to some of the most dramatic events in the universe. By proposing that these elements are born from the collision of neutron stars, Goolsbee has opened up new possibilities for understanding the nature of matter, energy, and consciousness. As research into ORMEs continues, we may find that these elements hold the key to unlocking new technologies and insights that could change the course of human history.


Senior prison management DESTROYS over 50 KILOS of GOVERNMENT-ISSUED EVIDENCE that proves absolutely that Goolsbee is innocent

  • “…Upon submission of the complaint forms, the Unit Manager Ms. Dale MacDonald, in collusion with her Supervisor, Mr. Graham Hunter, after considerable verbal abuse, and later, physical abuse leveled at Goolsbee, (whilst they, as senior prison managers), employed physically threatening behavior directed at Goolsbee) proceeded to destroy the forms (and evidence required by the Ombudsman) in Mr. Goolsbee’s presence. They continued for over 2.25 years, to refuse to allow Goolsbee’s submissions of official LEGAL forms to be processed, as REQUIRED by prevailing national and international law.”
  • This abusive behavior which developed into, physical abuse, that resulted in Goolsbee’s near-death-concussion, continued over a period of two years and three months, whilst the Office of Ombudsman blatantly ignored the fact that Goolsbee, a lifelong pacifist, had been assaulted by guards and had suffered a concussion as well as a near-death experience. Thereafter some, not all, agents within the Office of the Ombudsman proceeded to participate in, and eventually took a leading role in, The Coverup; hence the problem escalated to a situation in which, prison guards were physically assaulting Goolsbee, on several occasions, because a particular agent of the Ombudsman (through criminally negligent behavior) encouraged Offending Prison Guards, by default, to believe that they could proceed with impunity to abuse and to intimidate other vulnerable prisoners to attack Mr. Goolsbee.
  • Eventually, in collusion with government departments, the prison management DESTROYED over 50 KILOS of GOVERNMENT-ISSUED EVIDENCE that proves absolutely that Goolsbee is innocent, and that all charges were false, and allegations were knowingly and intentionally deceptive, all of which constitutes criminal trespass and theft with intent to pervert and defeat the course of justice.

Goolsbee undeterred persisted in his requests to call a lawyer and the US Consulate and the US Embassy. Goolsbee then filed handwritten complaints regarding the individuals within the OFFICE of the OMBUDSMAN, who became increasingly complicit in the ongoing (blatantly illegal and corrupt) coverup activities, all of which illustrates, the very legal definition of,  “Perversion, Obstruction, Prevention, and Defeat of the Course of Justice” which is an imprisonable criminal offense for anyone subject to New Zealand Criminal Code.”

After almost two years of abuse leveled at Goolsbee (on many levels) Goolsbee continued to request, officially, the assistance of the Office of the Governor-General N.Z. (Lt Gen Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae) and in time, received a gold-foiled, embossed name card that read, “With Compliments,” from the Office of the Governor-General N.Z., Lt. Gen. Rt. Hon. Sir Jerry Mateparae, which offered  Lt. Gen. Rt. Hon. Sir Jerry Mateparae’s personal mobile telephone number. 

The Role of the Governor-General

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of England and New Zealand

If Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of England and New Zealand knew of the atrocities that are being committed in her name, no doubt both she and her family members would be appalled!

“The Governor-General is a symbol of New Zealand’s unity and leadership, with the holder of the Office fulfilling important constitutional, ceremonial, international, and community roles.”

The Governor-General is appointed on the recommendation of the Prime Minister of New Zealand to serve as the representative of the Head of State, Elizabeth II, Queen of New Zealand.

Along with other contact information, the Governor General’s name card contained the direct mobile tel number of Lt Gen Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae (pictured above) along with the Official Letterhead of receipts that Goolsbee’s appeal for help had been received by the Office of the Governor General (Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of New Zealand’s personal representative in New Zealand). The number of false convictions in New Zealand that have been overturned by the Privy Council is staggering, to say the least! We will also be contacting the Privy Council to bring their attention to yet another gross miscarriage of justice to their attention.

“If Her Majesty knew of the atrocities that are being committed in her name, no doubt both she and her family members would be appalled!” You can contact the Her Majesty and report this fiasco at this web address: Contact the Queen

When Goolsbee attempted on numerous occasions to call the Office of the Governor General in response to the receipt of the name card and information received therewith, the prison officials refused to allow him to do so. (More details on these issues will follow with scores of pages of scanned, documented evidence of Goolsbee’s persistent efforts at exposing the extensive corruption that he both witnessed and was subjected to during the 2-year 3-month period of wrongful imprisonment.)

    • Thanks to the U.S. Dept. of State, by way of the Office of the U.S. Ambassador (New Zealand) and the U.S. Consulate General (NZ), and Office of Human Rights Proceedings (NZ), Goolsbee’s claims against corrupt government officials in New Zealand, are now being heard and investigated in the High Courts of New Zealand.
    • During Goolsbee’s campaign (waged whilst wrongfully imprisoned within numerous prisons in New Zealand), a team of United Nations Inspectors issued an international press release to the effect that medical treatment in New Zealand prisons was (and is still ?) tantamount to torture. (This announcement was heard once on PBS radio and then, was never heard again, nor covered by mainstream media – general discussions are here).
    • Goolsbee’s countless handwritten submissions, originally prepared, whilst wrongfully imprisoned, were designed as a series of whistleblowing events. All addressed to the United Nations Office of Human Rights Proceedings (c/o NZ Government) and the Queen of England’s personal representative in New Zealand: “Governor General- Lt Gen Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae.” Numerous other alerts were written to cabinet members of Prime Minister John Key, including but NOT limited to:
        • Mr. Niels Holm – Official Secretary to the Governor General at Government House
          • “My current position as Official Secretary (since June 2010) involves the management of both Government Houses, including responsibility for all 28 staff (plus the security and gardening teams). I work closely with the Governor-General to execute his programme, and act as his principal adviser on programme, protocol, public engagement, media, and other day-to-day issues. I also facilitate his key functional relationships with the Cabinet Office and PMO. While I serve the Governor-General, I report to the Clerk of the Executive Council (and Secretary to Cabinet).” “December 2014 will see the end of my four-and-a-half-year secondment to Government House. For family reasons I have decided not to seek a further term in the diplomatic service and will be reviewing opportunities in Wellington for 2015.”
    • Goolsbee’s outspoken position against GMOs, Monsanto, Government Corruption in New Zealand, and Religious Discrimination has resulted in his being subjected to 2.25 years of wrongful imprisonment and a CHARACTER ASSASSINATION CAMPAIGN. This character assassination was aided in principle by an irresponsible reporter, namely, Ms. Sally Kidson…  see ~> [1] character assassination [2] character assassination [3] character assassination.

Monsanto’s parent company, Bayer, said to propose an $8 billion settlement over glyphosate claims!!

    • What reporter Kidson didn’t know (because she never interviewed Goolsbee to hear what really happened), was that Julie Spicer (the so-called victim) was suspected of possible fraud and accused by her own sister of theft – but this was not discovered until a few days before the bogus trial! We say BOGUS because Goolsbee was not allowed to call key witnesses, was not allowed to produce critical evidence (1,000’s of pages of evidence that proved his innocence!) and was not allowed to provide testimony..! Mostly because a Judge had forced Goolsbee’s court-appointed attorney to resign only days before the trial..!
    • Sally Kidman - EX-Chief News Director and Senior Journalist at "STUFF" Nelson, New Zealand, a media organization that CLAIMS to be producing "trustworthy independent journalism". (a divisions of Fairfax Media) Aug 2004 - Jan 2023 · 18 yrs 6 mos

      Sally Kidman – EX-Chief News Director and Senior Journalist at “STUFF” Nelson, New Zealand, a media organization that CLAIMS to be producing “trustworthy independent journalism”. (a divisions of Fairfax Media) Aug 2004 – Jan 2023 · 18 yrs 6 mos

      The irresponsible reporting above mentioned by Sally Kidson (pictured here) and her editors (at FAIRFAX Media) is NOT based in factual reality.

    • The truth, is that Goolsbee was not allowed to call witnesses, and therefore was not allowed to produce 1,000’s of documents that prove his innocence, and was therefore not able to testify, and a pre-trial circuit judge had actually forced Goolsbee’s lawyer to RESIGN only days before the trial began (a trial which should never have been allowed in the first place!). All the irresponsible reporting was based on the seeds of lies, calumny, defamation, slander, and perjury; all of which were planted by the New Zealand Police Detective “Fiona HUTCHING.”

    • When Parts Two and Three (of a series of books) were nearing completion, the New Zealand police decided he should be punished for attempting to write these books; hence the Police INVENTED a LIE and an IMAGINARY crime which had NOT occurred; thus making Goolsbee the target and VICTIM of a modern-day WITCH-HUNT. 
      Henry Alfred Goolsbee recognized as first responder at a fire in Japan. Goolsbee entered the burning house at risk to his own life, searched for trapped victims, located a water hose and began controlling the fire. 102

      Henry Alfred Goolsbee was recognized as the first responder at a fire in Japan. Goolsbee entered the burning house at risk to his own life, searched for trapped victims, located a water hose, and began controlling the fire.

    • What actually occurred is that ALL of Goolsbee’s computers and hard drives, several boxes of research papers, and ALL of his I.D. were seized illegally by the police and withheld for over 4 months; thereby preventing him from publishing the books on time as scheduled! How could he have completed the publications on time if the police were holding all of the data and equipment needed to complete the publications? A set of works that had been in progress for several years.
    • So, the Police having seized all of Goolsbee’s writing equipment and notes, thus preventing Goolsbee from finishing the books, they then imprisoned him for NOT FINISHING THE BOOKS!! Absolute  corrutption.
      Henry Alfred Goolsbee receiving award as first responder at a domestic fire in Japan. Goolsbee entered the burning house at risk to his own life to search for trapped victims; and was first to locate a water hose which he used to begin controlling the fire. 103

      Pastor Henry Alfred Goolsbee received the award in Okinawa, Japan. Pastor Goolsbee searched for trapped victims and was first to locate a water hose for use in controlling the fire. He was aided by others approximately 12-15 minutes later.

    • The INQUISITION is alive and well in New Zealand.
    • Whilst wrongfully imprisoned, he lead a successful Civil Rights and Human Rights campaign (under the auspices of the ICCPR – United Nations) and triggered numerous ongoing investigations into New Zealand Government corruption at the highest levels.
  • Henry Alfred Goolsbee has been an environmental activist and peace-loving, civil rights activist, and human rights activist for over 45 years…

The pages of this website and related websites will be updated regularly on a day-to-day basis.

Henry Alfred Goolsbee refutes the ongoing character assignation campaign and files charges against numerous high ranking New Zealand ministerial officials and their agents who are engaged in criminal activities including but not limited to "...prevention, obstruction and perversion of the the course of justice" (an imprisonable offense under New Zealand Criminal Act Sect. 116.

Photo of Mr. Henry Alfred Goolsbee circa 2008. Henry Alfred Goolsbee refutes the ongoing character assignation campaign and files charges against numerous high-ranking New Zealand Ministerial officials and their agents who, are engaged in criminal activities including but not limited to “…prevention, obstruction, perversion, and defeat of the course of justice” (an imprisonable offense under New Zealand Criminal Act Sect. 116 which makes the corrupt liable for criminal acts and Crimes Against  Humanity, for which there is NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS).


Henry Alfred Goolsbee receiving award as first responder at a domestic fire in Japan. Goolsbee entered the burning house at risk to his own life to search for trapped victims; and was first to locate a water hose which he used to begin controlling the fire. 101

Henry Alfred Goolsbee received the award as the first responder at a domestic fire in Japan. Goolsbee entered the burning house at risk to his own life to search for trapped victims and was first to locate a water hose which he used to begin controlling the fire.


Whist wrongfully imprisoned Mr. Goolsbee persevered in his campaign to expose corruption in the New Zealand Government and did so at various levels starting with-

    • the arresting officer Detective Fiona Hutchins (who committed perjury when she filed a deceitful warrant application),
    • two judges- Judge Tony Zhorab and Judge Michael Behrenswho worked in collusion with Crown Law to deceive the courts and general public on numerous documented occasions, yet refused to produce court transcripts knowing that they would be exposed, held accountable and prosecuted,
    • members of the New Zealand Parole Board (who have committed perjury; and were and continue to be engaged in the “perversion, obstruction, prevention and defeat of the course of justice”),
  • countless violations of religious freedom and discrimination regarding cultural/ethnic dignity and the right to worship according to one’s own faith within the NZ Dept of Corrections.

Mr. Goolsbee’s wife and children were also sorely damaged and suffered numerous Civil Rights and Human Rights violations that resulted in grievous mental, emotional and physical damage (details to follow).

Involvement of the Governor General of New Zealand  – Lt Gen Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae (Personal representative of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of New Zealand in New Zealand).

When Goolsbee was supposed to be appearing in court to give evidence against corrupt officials he was “kidnapped” by prison guards (and in one instance even put on an airplane) and moved illegally within the national prison system to prevent his appearances on more than five occasions and was subsequently “illegally deported” to prevent him from cooperating with an investigation to be carried out by the Governor General, Lt Gen Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae ~ The Personal Representative of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of New Zealand…

“No doubt, that if Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of England and New Zealand knew of the atrocities that are being committed in her good name (and that are in turn besmirching her family’s good name), both she and her family members would be appalled!”

Forced to stand trial without a lawyer in the KANGAROO COURTS of New Zealand.

Prior to the wrongful imprisonment, upon his arrest, Mr. Goolsbee was held incommunicado and later forced to stand trial without legal counsel. He was not allowed to call witnesses. He was barred from producing thousands of documents that prove his innocence. He was therefore unable to testify and was then refused the right to an appeal! And thereafter also blocked from presenting evidence of the ongoing abuse of his person whilst wrongfully imprisoned for 2 years and three months. He was classified as a minimum-risk prisoner (lowest possible class) and yet spent much of his time in high-security units with murderers, inmates that had committed armed robbery, rape, child molesters, and pedophiles; all because prison managers repeatedly falsified his security ratings.

He was not allowed to make phone calls to his legal representative and the US Embassy at critical times during his attempts at conducting an appeal. He was denied his right to a fair and unbiased trial. Of supreme importance, it is imperative to note that no crime had ever been committed. The only crime that existed was in the IMAGINATION of the arresting officer who never even spoke to the accuser prior to Mr. Goolsbee’s arrest. That arresting officer and her colleagues also coached the claimant Julie Spicer, on how to falsify her statements and testimony in order to deceive the court. All of which, is evidenced in the documentation of the court proceedings (but the Judges refuse to release critical transcripts of the proceedings) because it will incriminate the JUDGE!.

Mr. H. Alfred Goolsbee with Mr. Arnold Avers – Goolsbee introduces the practical use of a Reversible Hydrogen Fuel Cell at the 15th World Hydrogen Energy Conference in Yokohama, Japan. (WHEC15)

Photo of H Alfred Goolsbee-Avers-hydrogen-fuel-cells. 15th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC15)

Mr. H. Alfred Goolsbee with Mr. Arnold Avers – Goolsbee introduces the practical use of a Reversible Hydrogen Fuel Cell at the 15th World Hydrogen Energy Conference in Yokohama, Japan. (WHEC15)


The Office of Human Rights Proceedings has assisted Mr. Goolsbee in laying charges against the culprits.

Two judges have likewise assisted Mr. Goolsbee in bringing several cases before the HIGH COURTS of New Zealand against the various guilty parties who, continue to “conspire to pervert, obstruct, prevent and defeat of the course of justice.”

The Office of the Ambassador of the United States along with Mr. Ben Langford (Head of Security) as well as the US Consulate. The US Consulate advised Mr. Goolsbee that they would be bringing charges against the New Zealand authorities relating to the abuse of a US citizen.

New Zealand Department of Corrections Desperate Attempt to Cover-up Corruption with Illegal activities

In a desperate attempt to cover up their corrupt and illegal activities, the New Zealand Department of Corrections under the management of Christchurch Men’s Prison Manager (and others complicit), on more than one occasion, moved Mr. Goolsbee illegally within the prison systems in order to disrupt meetings between Mr. Goolsbee and the US Consulate at a time when the US consulate came to visit Mr. Goolsbee to investigate the abuses waged against Mr. Goolsbee whilst wrongfully imprisoned.

Some (not all) prison authorities, in particular, the Unit Manager (Ms.) Dale MacDonald (sister to Judge MacDonald who also engaged in cover-up skulduggery) acting as Manager at Tirohanga Paperoa Unit, likewise refused to allow Mr. Goolsbee to call the US Consulate (who had specifically asked Goolsbee to call if when they moved him from unit to unit). MacDonald also refused in the same breath to allow Goolsbee to call his lawyer at a critical time leading up to the Appeal Process (as did several others named later in this text).

When Goolsbee attempted to bring this illegal activity to the attention of the Office of the Ombudsman (under Dame Beverly Wakeham)-

PHOTO of Dame Beverley Wakem (Chief Ombudsman) and The Right Hon. Lt. Gen. Sir Gerry (Governor General) Mateparae

Dame Beverley Wakem (Chief Ombudsman) and Lt Gen Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae (Governor-General New Zealand)

PHOTO of Dame Beverley Wakem (Chief Ombudsman)

Dame Beverley Wakem (Chief Ombudsman)

He was told that he had to submit the appropriate prison complaint forms to the very people he was complaining about.

Goolsbee then, under the direction of the Office of the Ombudsman (and under Dame Beverly Wickham) followed the prescribed procedure.


Upon submission of the complaint forms, the Unit Manager Ms. Dale MacDonald, in collusion with her Supervisor, Mr. Graham Hunter, after considerable verbal abuse leveled at Goolsbee and physically threatening behavior directed at Goolsbee, destroyed the forms (required by the Ombudsman) in Mr Goolsbee’s presence, refusing to allow the forms to be processed.

This abusive behavior continued over a period of two years, whilst the Office of the Ombudsman blatantly ignored the fact that Goolsbee had been assaulted and had suffered a concussion as well as a near-death experience. Thereafter some, not all, agents within the Office of the Ombudsman proceeded to participate in, and eventually took a leading role in, The Coverup; hence the problem escalated to a situation in which, prison guards physically assaulted Goolsbee on several occasions because a particular agent of the Ombudsman had led the Offending Prison Guards to believe that they could proceed with impunity to abuse Mr. Goolsbee.

Goolsbee however, undeterred, persisted in his requests to call a lawyer and the US Consulate and the US Embassy. Goolsbee then filed handwritten complaints regarding the individuals within the office of the ombudsman who were complicit in the ongoing blatant activities that were resulting in the “Perversion, Obstruction, Prevention and Defeat of the Course of Justice [ an imprisonable criminal offense under New Zealand Criminal Code.”)

After almost two years of abuse at many levels Goolsbee requested the assistance of the Office of the Governor General and in time, received a gold-foiled, embossed name card that read, “With Compliments,” from the Office of the Governor General, Lt Gen Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae.

The Role of the Governor-General

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of England and New Zealand

If Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of England and New Zealand knew of the atrocities that are being committed in her name, no doubt both she and her family members would be appalled!

“The Governor-General is a symbol of New Zealand’s unity and leadership, with the holder of the Office fulfilling important constitutional, ceremonial, international, and community roles.”

The Governor-General is appointed on the recommendation of the Prime Minister of New Zealand to serve as the representative of the Head of State, Elizabeth II, Queen of New Zealand.

Along with other contact information, the Governor General’s name card contained the direct mobile tel number of Lt Gen Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae (pictured above) along with the Official Letterhead of receipts that Goolsbee’s appeal for help had been received by the Office of the Governor General (Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of New Zealand’s personal representative in New Zealand). The number of false convictions in New Zealand that have been overturned by the Privy Council is staggering, to say the least! We will also be contacting the Privy Council to bring their attention to yet another gross miscarriage of justice to their attention.

“If Her Majesty knew of the atrocities that are being committed in her name, no doubt both she and her family members would be appalled!” You can contact the Her Majesty and report this fiasco at this web address: Contact the Queen

When Goolsbee attempted on numerous occasions to call the Office of the Governor General in response to the receipt of the name card and information received therewith, the prison officials refused to allow him to do so. (More details on these issues will follow with scores of pages of scanned, documented evidence of Goolsbee’s persistent efforts at exposing the extensive corruption that he both witnessed and was subjected to during the 2-year 3-month period of wrongful imprisonment.)

Goolsbee Perseveres

Goolsbee persevered, and eventually with the assistance of other members of prison staff who, were attempting to do the right thing (despite their colleague’s and their supervisors’  attempts to “Pervert, Obstruct and Prevent the Course of Justice.”) Goolsbee did finally manage to reach out to the Office of the US Ambassador and the US Consulate…


and “This is just the Tip of the iceberg folks…”

We’re networking with all the others who have suffered similar abuse and a page for our affiliated networks will soon be created. Meanwhile here’s one of the thousands of people and websites that are trying to expose the corruption and act as whistleblowers …

Some Background on How It All Began

Factory Built for Feasibility  Studies

Henry Alfred Goolsbee had been working for over ten years, at developing a new earth-saving sustainable soil technology that assists plants and animals to survive the extremes of climate change, such as drought and flooding, early and late frosts, as well as problems associated with soils damaged by leeching and industrial contamination.

Goolsbee's Quantum Dot Solutions ORMUS (tm) Vivalent (tm) Factory at racecourse Bay Australia

Alfred Goolsbee together with the original team who built the prototype factory as a successful feasibility study and conclusive proof of concept. None of the individuals pictured here are suspected of participating in the industrial sabotage of the factory nor the subsequent character assassination campaign that was used to attack Mr. Goolsbee.

Just Say NO to GMO

The remedial soil amendment also addresses issues of soil health such as mineral and nutrient depletion, along with the need to reestablish the essential substrate cultures of probiotic micro-organisms that have been depleted over time due to synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and general neglect.


Henry Alfred Goolsbee is too outspoken about the potential dangers of GMOs and other toxic materials being introduced to our global environment.

Book Published Regarding Ancient History of Chemistry Utilized In the Process

He was (is) also writing books on the origins of the technology; more specifically, the possible earlier discovery and application of a method for the production and use of trace minerals in ancient times.

Archbishop-Henry Alfred-Goolsbee-Book-ORMUS-Mary-Magdalene

The cover of Mr. Goolsbee’s book on the ancient history of the chemistry that is utilized in the manufacture of the earth-saving soil amendment. With Goolsbee’s “nome de plume” ~ William Hearth

Industrial Sabotage of Mr. Goolsbee’s Factory Situated Near Mount Gambier, Australia at Racecourse Bay (adjacent to Port Macdonnell)

Mr. Goolsbee’s first major attempt in Australia to trial the product as a soil amendment met with both, great success as well as a tragedy when the industrial-scale feasibility study was subjected to what was clearly a case of “industrial sabotage.”

After having manufactured over 340,000 liters of concentrated liquid soil amendment (in a set of 20,000-liter tanks: seventeen units of each) late one night, many of the manifold pipes were cut with what appears to be a hacksaw, whilst the main valves were opened and allowed to drain-out uncontrolled, whereby over USD$20,000,000 worth of product (at retail value as of 2023) was spilled into a paddock owned by Mr. Maxwell (Max) Feast and son Robert Feast (among Mr. Goolsbee’s business partners pictured above) near Racecourse Bay, Australia. Goolsbee instructed the Company Director in charge of Operations to report the theft to the local police authority immediately. The police took photos of the catastrophe within hours.


Henry Alfred Goolsbee’s first factory built single-handed (in cooperation with Daryl Sims (and his lovely wife Chris [than you!!]) of Mount Gambier; and later his brothers Graham, Robert, and Gary; as well as other family members [children thank you all!!] who helped; and others thereafter such as (Mark, etc) many thanks to Helen Burgess for all your moral support and for being one of the very first to supply us with early seed capital that launched us!!

Goolsbee’s Not-For-Profit Foundation (The Essene Humane Society’s NGO) Attacked by Thugs Greedy for Money?

This vicious attack on Mr. Goolsbee’s factory was followed by false claims, issued by a few self-serving individuals who were attempting to exploit Mr. Goolsbee’s sense of fair play and honor; as was evidenced by Mr. Goolsbee and Mr. John Miles of  Sinclair Wilson (a major, well-respected certified accounting firm operating in the agricultural arena throughout Australia), who had just registered a not-for-profit entity designed to act as the primary beneficiary to the majority of profits soon to be realized by Mr. Goolsbee’s proprietary technology.

The motive of these unscrupulous individuals (of a minority group) that participated in what might be described as an “internal hostile takeover,” was clearly nothing more than that of “greed for money” and for “control of a company that was poised for great success in the agricultural industry.” This small, self-serving group of saboteurs, completely ignored the welfare of the majority of other investors, who all suffered damages of a financial nature as well as damage to their mental, emotional, and physical (health); all as a direct result of the internal hostile takeover. Mr. Goolsbee’s family also suffered grievous and irreparable harm as a direct result of this and other attacks by the true culprits who destroyed this public benefit enterprise.

Within days of the attack of the factory situated on Max Feast’s beachfront property at Racecourse Bay, a custom-made, industrial grade, stainless steel pump, valued at over $30,000 was stolen from the industrial shed of a company director, Ms. Helen Burgess, where the pump had been immediately stored for safekeeping.


This pump, the heart of the feasibility study, was stolen from the industrial shed of Company Director Ms. Helen Burgess just days after the industrial sabotage of Mr. Goolsbee’s factory.


It is suspected that the vandals had been interrupted on the night of the attack, by another company employee who had been sent to attach two sets of “lock and chain” to the gateway of the factory on the night previous to the morning of the discovery of the attack. Therefore it is certain that the attack occurred on a particular night, during certain hours of the night, as the factory had been viewed in good order, the day prior, in preparation for a major movement of product on the following morning.

National Tree Day – one million people poised to plant native trees in Australia

Approximately 2,000 sample bottles had been filled by Mr. Goolsbee’s staff, under the supervision of Company Director Ms. Helen Burgess the week prior to the attack. These bottles were destined for insertion on a nationwide scale in Australia during the upcoming National Tree Day event in which, over (1,000,000) one million people were poised to participate in planting native trees all across the populated portions of the Australian continent. The participants included schools, boy scouts and girl scouts, Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, Banks, Government Bodies, etc etc.

See the PDF linked here ~>

Cleantech Forum Quantum Dot Solutions April 1-2 2009 Park Hyatt Hotel Melbourne Australia

The brochure designed under the direction of Mr. Henry Alfred Goolsbee in preparation for National Tree Day in Australia.

The brochure was designed under the direction of Henry Alfred Goolsbee’s not-for-profit NGO in preparation for National Tree Day in Australia.

(to be continued…)

Treated and Untreated examples of the profound effects of ORMUS (tm) and Vivalent (Mt) when used on drought stricken plants. (c) 2008-2015 Copyright H. Alfred Goolsbee. All Rights Reserved.

Treated and Untreated examples of the profound effects of ORMUS (TM) and Vivalent (Mt) when used on drought-stricken plants. (c) 2008-2015 Copyright Henry Alfred Goolsbee. All Rights Reserved.

Treated and Untreated examples of the profound effects of ORMUS (tm) and Vivalent (Mt) when used on drought stricken plants. (c) 2008-2015 Copyright H. Alfred Goolsbee. All Rights Reserved.

Treated and Untreated examples of the profound effects of ORMUS (TM) and Vivalent (Mt) when used on drought-stricken plants. (c) 2008-2015 Copyright Henry Alfred Goolsbee. All Rights Reserved.

Treated and Untreated examples of the profound effects of ORMUS (tm) and Vivalent (Mt) when used on drought stricken plants. (c) 2008-2015 Copyright H. Alfred Goolsbee. All Rights Reserved.

Treated and Untreated examples of the profound effects of ORMUS (TM) and Vivalent (Mt) when used on drought-stricken plants. (c) 2008-2015 Copyright Henry Alfred Goolsbee. All Rights Reserved.

Treated and Untreated examples of the profound effects of ORMUS (tm) and Vivalent (Mt) when used on drought stricken plants. (c) 2008-2015 Copyright H. Alfred Goolsbee. All Rights Reserved.

Treated and Untreated examples of the profound effects of ORMUS (TM) and Vivalent (Mt) when used on drought-stricken plants. (c) 2008-2015 Copyright H. Alfred Goolsbee. All Rights Reserved.

Treated and Untreated examples of the profound effects of ORMUS (tm) and Vivalent (Mt) when used on drought stricken plants. (c) 2008-2015 Copyright H. Alfred Goolsbee. All Rights Reserved.

Treated and Untreated examples of the profound effects of ORMUS (TM) and Vivalent (Mt) when used on drought-stricken plants. (c) 2008-2015 Copyright H. Alfred Goolsbee. All Rights Reserved.

Treated and Untreated examples of the profound effects of ORMUS (tm) and Vivalent (Mt) when used on drought stricken plants. (c) 2008-2015 Copyright H. Alfred Goolsbee. All Rights Reserved.

Treated and Untreated examples of the profound effects of ORMUS (TM) and Vivalent (Mt) when used on drought-stricken plants. (c) 2008-2015 Copyright H. Alfred Goolsbee. All Rights Reserved.

Treated and Untreated examples of the profound effects of ORMUS (tm) and Vivalent (tm) when used on drought stricken plants.

Treated and Untreated examples of the profound effects of ORMUS (TM) and Vivalent (Mt) when used on drought-stricken plants. (c) 2008-2015 Copyright H. Alfred Goolsbee. All Rights Reserved.

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