For Immediate Release 2015 (reissued October 18,2016)
A Father of three young children resolves to file criminal charges against New Zealand Police Detective and other New Zealand Ministers and Government Ministries ~ Visiting Japanese/American family is made destitute by corrupt New Zealand Police Detective and corrupt Government Agents (corrupt New Zealand Judges complicit in compounding the damages).
A 59 year old author and father of three, Henry Alfred Goolsbee, who was wrongfully imprisoned for over two years, has decided to file criminal claims against a New Zealand Police Detective and several related Ministerial Departments citing charges (including but not limited to) “Perjury,” “Obstruction of Justice,” “Perverting the Course of Justice,” “Preventing the Course of Justice,” “Unlawful Discrimination” and “Obtaining Pecuniary Advantage and Causing Loss by Deceit,” within the New Zealand Government. There are currently several cases filed by Goolsbee which are currently active in the High Courts of New Zealand the name and shame many of the culprits with the New Zealand government.
The US born father has decided to file criminal charges against the police on behalf of his three young children who, at the time of the offending by the Police and Ministries, were ages 10, 12 and14 and he has also filed for damages on behalf of their mother, a Japanese national, all of whom are innocent victims of an ongoing legal fiasco that resulted in Mr Goolsbee being falsely accused, illegally arrested, was denied his right to justice and was wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for two years and three months.
The family was made destitute and made homeless in New Zealand, because the father was unable to make payment to various utilities providers and rental agents as a direct result of the misconduct and criminal behaviour of the police and various Government agencies. Eviction notices were served and their mobile and landline telephones were cut off. When Goolsbee was wrongfully imprisoned he lost over $800,000 worth of remedial soil amendments that were ready to packed and sold into the agricultural arena.
“It’s a miracle that we have survived this long…” says Goolsbee.
“…, if the detective had her way, I would have spent the past one year and eight months in prison whilst awaiting trial for charges that have no merit or basis in reality. I am innocent of the charges and have the evidence to prove it… Fortunately, the Judge disagreed with the Detective’s recommendation to deny bail.”
In fact, in the earlier round of administrative hearings, “…the Judge appears to have decided that the allegations are absurd, and for good reason.”
The elderly gentleman and his family have been unable to access medical services that would ordinarily have been available to them, had they been able to return to Japan, where the father had been a permanent resident for almost twenty years. The mother and children are all very traumatized and are suffering as well, but are not entitled to medical care either, according to the decisions made by the Ministry of Immigration, the Ministry of Social Development and Ministry of Education who refused to allow the children to attend school whilst awaiting trial as potential wiynesses.
“They’re trying to force me to become insolvent and mentally exhausted, so that we can’t afford to tell the world what they’re doing: and so that we can’t afford to hire legal counsel capable of bringing civil and criminal proceedings against the police and the government ministries who are complicit in this abusive process.,” said Goolsbee.
“We need urgently help from organizations like Amnesty International, and Indiegogo and other such social and political action networks before it’s too late. Who knows how many other innocent people may have been arrested and incarcerated by this same, rogue, police agent and her colleagues at Crown Law? If they’ll do it our family, they’ll do it to others and this simply isn’t acceptable in these days and times. After all, New Zealand is supposed to be a civilized and democratic society.”
“How the New Zealand Government can treat a perfectly innocent father, his wife and young children in this manner, is beyond our comprehension.”
“We thought we were visiting a civilized country; but we don’t know what to think now. We have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars as a direct result of this absurd situation and we now find ourselves on the brink of being homeless in a foreign country. They have caused us to become destitute.”
The police seized all of the family’s digital communication equipment, computers and data-storage devices, as well as all of the father’s ID and bankcards, jewellery and other valuables, just one week prior to the expiration of their visas; and thus the police prevented the father from applying for their visa extensions in a timely manner, despite the fact that he had made extensive and adequate preparations to do so. The mother had to sell the few pieces of jewelry that had handed down to her from her mother. “It’s not very valuable, but they were priceless to me as tokens of remembrance of my mother. They had great sentimental value as I wanted to pass them on to my daughters and grandchildren,” she said.
The mother went on to say that, “We have been uncommonly patient with the due process of law and the Detective in charge. We assumed that the misunderstanding would be cleared up in a matter of days, but the detective in charge has been behaving in a most unprofessional and belligerent manner. We have also been exceedingly patient with the Ministries who are complicit in this negligence, thus causing my family to become destitute.”
Mr. Goolsbee continued, “My wife and children have been gravely traumatized by the events of the past several years, including but not limited to our being forced to live under house-arrest without the right to work and provide for our family. I finally succeeded in convincing the Ministry of Immigration to give me a work permit after five months, but because my visa says that the visa is issued “pending the outcome of judicial proceedings against” me, it is near impossible to find work based on my skill sets. They wouldn’t allow my wife to work at all. Also my passport wasn’t returned to me for over three and a half years.”
“I was held incommunicado in a jail cell for almost a week, was not allowed to call a lawyer, nor to contact the US Embassy, I was not allowed to talk to my wife and children, and I was not allowed to communicate with a religious minster representing the church of my choice.”
“We have all the evidence required to disprove the assumptions made by the police detective; however the detective repeatedly refused to meet with my attorneys for the period leading up to the trial and discuss the matter in a civil and amicable manner. I’d made numerous attempts to talk to her, and two separate attorneys have invited her to review the evidence, all of which proves without doubt my innocence.”
“In fact, if the detective had her way, I would have spent the past 10 months in prison awaiting trial, despite the fact that I am innocent of the charges and have been able to prove my innocence since the very onset of the false accusations and summary arrest, which was based on nothing more than hearsay, utterly erroneous assumptions and false pretexts.”
“The hard-evidence which proves my innocence has been available since day-one of the false arrest.”
“The detective seized my children’s computer, which they use for their schooling and distance learning programs. They seized other computers and equipment which I use to manage my extensive international business interests which are focused on sustainable agriculture and sustainable environments and not-for-profit organizations.”
“To date, we have sustained loss and damages that exceed several hundred thousand dollars, and depending on the extent of the domino effect and the accounting methods employed, it is arguable that damages may exceed several million dollars to date. More importantly, the trauma and emotional damage has been compounded by being denied access to proper medical care for three years and counting.”
“The detective seized all of my identification, including passport, driver’s license, and bank cards, etc. which forced the suspension of all business and creative process. The detective refused to allow the Japanese Embassy to renew my Permanent Residence status and my hard-won status as a Permanent Resident of Japan was lost. This was especially disconcerting as it took many years to establish the status of permanent resident of Japan.”
“The computer equipment and hard drives were withheld for many months, during which time, all of my business interests fell into disarray and ruin. I was not able to finish writing the books that I was working on; and activity which was vital to my family’s fundamental well-being.”
“We were forced to borrow thousands of dollars from our extended family members, which created considerable additional stress for all concerned.”
“We were made destitute and my wife and I still suffering from extreme nervous exhaustion, as we often don’t know how to pay our bills; such as rent, power, telephone, internet, food, clothing, etc. On numerous occasions whilst we were still in New Zealand our service providers found it necessary to send final notices of eviction and termination of services; and our telephones were been shut.” As a direct result of this extensive ongoing damage to our financial balance we were reduced to applying for welfare in New Zealand, Japan and the United States to try to survive during the past six years. Salvation Army saved us in New Zealand by providing us with a residence and food during the period of the trial, and thereafter my wife and children were forced to return to Japan in a destitute circumstance.
“I am making a final effort to make the world aware of what the New Zealand Police force and the associated Ministries and Ministries of New Zealand have done and are continuing to do to us. We are victims of both Human Rights Abuse and Civil Rights Abuse. My children and wife and I were all denied our fundamental right to justice. The New Zealand Police and the (some not all) associated Judges Ministers and Ministries have contravened their own Bill of Rights, their own Criminal Code (particularly Section 116), the United Nations ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) an have violated our Human Rights both as individuals and as a family.”